ZXDUMP(1): create a zx dump for file trees


         usage: zxdump [-1Dsv] [-d dir] {-x expr} {file|name!file}
             -1: dump once and exit
             -D: debug
             -d dir: where to keep the dump, ~/dump if none
             -s: don't dump right now, wait until next at 5am
             -v: verbose
             -x expr: files excluded (.*, tmp.* if  none  given);  tmp
     always excluded.


      Zxdump creates a tree with a dump for contents of the named file
     tree.  The  dump  contains one directory per tree, which contains
     one per year, which contains one per day, which contains the tree
     as of that day.

     The dump is created at /dump unless flag -d tells otherwise.

     The program operates on a local file tree and  can  therefore  be
     used  to  create  a  dump  for UNIX files. But it may dump remote
     trees as well.

     The  dump  de-duplicates  files,  using  the  SHA  of  file   (or
     directory) contents to identify the file.

     Unless flag -1 is used, the program makes a dump and  then  keeps
     on running to make a new dump every day at 5am.

     By default, files starting with a '.'  or  with  'tmp.'  are  not
     dumped and contents of directoried named tmp are ignored.

     This command relies on underlying UNIX files to create  the  dump
     and  (for  now)  to read the dumped tree, to let our dump survive
     any bugs  found  in  the  ZX  code  as  a  result  of  using  the
     development tree.


     Make a dump at /dump for the tree at  /home/lsub  with  the  name
     lsub and then exit.

         ; zxdump -1 -d /dump -v 'lsub!/home/lsub'

     Start dump to make a local dump once a day for local replicas:

         ; rc -c 'zxdump -vd /u/dump `{zxrepl | awk ''{print $2}''} '


     +o    /zx/sys/src/clive/cmd/zxdump


      User's manual. Section 1. Copyright © LSUB 2014-2016