NAMES(3): file names and predicates




     Many commands accept file names as arguments. A path name is / to
     refer  to  the  root  of  the  name space followed by one or more
     components (naming directories, except the last which might  name
     a  file).  Path  names  not  starting  with  /  are understood as
     suffixes of the current directory (.). The name .. refers to  the
     parent  of  the previous path (or the current directory if none).
     The parent of / is / itself.

     In most cases, file names given to commands  are  not  just  path
     names.   Usually,  they  are  a  combination of a path name and a
     predicate separated by a comma (,) character.

     This combination is understood as a spec to search for  and  find
     matching   files;  commands  rely  on  the  [clive/zx(2)]  Finder
     interface to issue the find request, and most of the times,  they
     do so using the [clive/cmd(2)] pakcage.

     The file search always starts at the path name given  before  the
     comma,  and  proceeds  within the subtree rooted there. All files
     matching the predicate are selected and processed by the  command

     An empty predicate is considered true, which means it selects all
     files within the subtree. For example,

         lf .,

     lists all files under the current directory, including  also  all
     directories and the current directory.

     If the predicate is not supplied (i.e., there  is  no  comma  ','
     character), then only the name supplied is selected. For example

         lf . | ch 0775

     changes the mode of the current directory, but

         lf ., | ch 0775

     changes the mode for all files rooted at ., including ..

     An empty name is understood as '.'. Thus,

         lf , | ch 0775

     is exactly the same command.

     A predicate is a boolean expression operating on directory  entry
     attributes  written  in  textual  format.  Besides  the directory
     attribute names, the special name depth can be used to  refer  to
     the  file depth in the tree rooted at the path used in the query.
     See dir(3) for a description of directory attributes.

     The following expressions can be used as predicates:

      true always evaluates to true false always  evaluates  to  false
     name=value  compares for equality the value of the attribute name
     with value as a string. =value the  same  thing  using  the  path
     attribute  if  value  starts  with  /,  and  the  name  attribute
     otherwise. d is understood as type=d, and the same goes for - and
     c.  name==value  compares  the  value  of the attribute name with
     value as a number. name!=value compares for inequality the  value
     of  the  attribute name with value as a string. Prunes the search
     if the attribute is name or path and matches the value.  name~exp
     matches  exp  against  the  value  of  the  attribute  name using
     globbing. ~exp the same thing using the path attribute  if  value
     contains  /,  and  the  name  attribute  otherwise.  name~~regexp
     matches regexp against the value of the  attribute  name.  Prunes
     the  search  if  the  attribute  is  name or path and matches the
     value. ~~regexp the same thing using the path attribute if  value
     starts  with  /,  and  the  name  attribute otherwise. name>value
     compares  (as  a  number)  for  greater-than  the  value  of  the
     attribute  name  with  value.  name>=value compares (as a number)
     for greater-or-equal-to the value  of  the  attribute  name  with
     value.  name<value compares (as a number) for less-than the value
     of the attribute name with  value.  name<=value  compares  (as  a
     number) for less-or-equal-to the value of the attribute name with
     value. number is understood  as  depth<=number  prune  fails  and
     prunes the search when evaluated (child files are ignored).

     Also, if p1 and p2 are predicates, the following expressions  can
     be used:

      p1&p2 true if both predicates are true. If the  first  is  false
     the  second is not evaluated. p1|p2 true if one of the predicates
     is true.  If the first is true the second is not  evaluated.  !p1
     true  if  the predicate is false. If p1 is comparing for equality
     or matching the name or path  attributes  and  p1  is  true,  the
     search  is pruned (and the predicate is false). (p1) exactly like
     p1 (but useful to change the evaluation order).

     Some operators have other names (as aliases)  as  described  now.
     Although  the  aliases  are  preferred over the original names to
     save quotes in the shell, the original names can always be  typed
     easily in most keyboards.

     +o    The operator ',' is an alias of '&'.

     +o    The operator ':' is an alias of ' | '

     +o    The operator '≈' is an alias of '~~'.

     +o    The operator '≠' is an alias of '!='.

     +o    The operator '≡' is an alias of '=='.

     +o    The operator '≤' is an alias of '<='.

     +o    The operator '≥' is an alias of '>='.

     The not operation has the higher precedence, then  and  and  then
     or. Evaluation is left to right.


     Similar to ls /*/*/foo in UNIX:

         l /,path~/*/*/foo

     Similar to find . -name '*.go' in UNIX:

         l ,~*.go


     +o    intro(1)

     +o    dir(3)


      User's manual. Section 3. Copyright © LSUB 2014-2016