walk - descend a directory hierarchy
Twalk tag [2] fid [2] name [28]
Rwalk tag [2] fid [2] qid [8]
The walk request looks for the file name in the directory represented by fid.
For the walk to succeed, the file identified by fid must be a directory and the implied user of the request must have permission to search the directory. (See Inferno Communications Protocol, Styx).
After a successful walk, fid represents the specified file. The qid for the new file is returned with the walk reply message.
A walk of the name '.' in the root directory of a server is a no-op.
Entry Points
The chdir system call causes a walk.
One or more walk messages may be generated by any of the following calls, which evaluate file names: bind, create, mount, open, remove, stat, unmount, and wstat.
The file name element '.' (dot, current directory) is interpreted locally and is not transmitted in walk messages.
See Also
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