DISDEP(1) DISDEP(1) NAME disdep - print load dependencies for Dis file SYNOPSIS disdep [ -a ] [ -d ] [ -o ] [ -p ] [ -s ] file ... DESCRIPTION Disdep reads each file, which must be a Dis object file, and finds all unique strings in it that end in .dis. It takes each such string as the name of a Dis file, and if the file exists, it does the same for it, and so on, recursively. It writes each unique name to the standard output. The result is a list of all statically-named Dis files that might be referenced by an application, typically as the operand of a Limbo load operator. Several options change or extend the output: -a Print all names as they are encountered in the search, including duplicates. -d Indent to show the dependency structure. -o Show only the immediate (outermost) dependencies of each file. -p Print the dependency relation as pairs: a file, a space, and the name of a file on which it depends. Only the the first name is printed when a file depends on no other. This format is useful as input to mk(10.1) dependency generators, or dependency graphing programs. -s Include strings of the form "$[A-Z].*" on the assump- tion they are the names of system modules loaded by the application. SOURCE /appl/cmd/disdep.b SEE ALSO limbo(1) BUGS It cannot see file names that the program calculates. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25)