BUFIO(2)                                                 BUFIO(2)

          bufio, bufiofill - buffered input/output module

          include "bufio.m";

          bufio := load Bufio Bufio->PATH;
          Iobuf: import bufio;

          SEEKSTART:  con Sys->SEEKSTART;
          SEEKRELA:   con Sys->SEEKRELA;
          SEEKEND:    con Sys->SEEKEND;

          OREAD:      con Sys->OREAD;
          OWRITE:     con Sys->OWRITE;
          ORDWR:      con Sys->ORDWR;

          EOF:        con -1;
          ERROR:      con -2;

          Iobuf: adt {
              seek:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, n, where: int): int;

              read:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, a: array of byte, n: int): int;
              write:  fn(b: self ref Iobuf, a: array of byte, n: int): int;

              getb:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf): int;
              getc:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf): int;
              gets:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, sepchar: int): string;
              gett:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, sepstring: string): string;

              ungetb: fn(b: self ref Iobuf): int;
              ungetc: fn(b: self ref Iobuf): int;

              putb:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, b: byte): int;
              putc:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, c: int): int;
              puts:   fn(b: self ref Iobuf, s: string): int;

              flush:  fn(b: self ref Iobuf): int;
              close:  fn(b: self ref Iobuf);

              setfill: fn(b: self ref Iobuf, f: BufioFill);

          open:   fn(name: string, mode: int): ref Iobuf;
          create: fn(name: string, mode, perm: int): ref Iobuf;
          fopen:  fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, mode: int): ref Iobuf;
          sopen:  fn(s: string): ref Iobuf;

          flush:  fn();

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          BufioFill: module
              fill:   fn(b: ref Bufio->Iobuf): int;

          Bufio provides an interface for buffered I/O.  A buffer is
          an adt which is created with open, fopen, create and sopen.

          Open takes two parameters, a filename and a mode. The mode
          must be one of OREAD, OWRITE, or ORDWR (also defined in the
          Sys module).

          Create is similar, but creates a new file if necessary, with
          file permissions specified by perm (see create in sys-
          open(2)), or truncates an existing file (without changing
          its permissions), before opening it in the given mode, and
          returning a reference to an Iobuf instance.

          Buffered I/O on an already open file is made possible using
          fopen, which takes a file descriptor fd and an open mode,
          which must be compatible with the mode of the file descrip-

          The file open functions return a ref Iobuf to be used in
          subsequent calls.  Thus:

               lc := bufio->open("/net/tcp/0/local", bufio->OREAD);
               addr := lc.gets('\n');
               lc = nil;

          will open the file /net/tcp/0/local and read a line (includ-
          ing the terminating newline character) from this file to
          initialize the string variable addr.  The file is closed
          implicitly by discarding (assigning nil to) the only refer-
          ence to its Iobuf.

          The function sopen makes the contents of a string s readable
          through an Iobuf (it may not be written).

          The Bufio library keeps an internal reference to files
          opened for writing so that they can be flushed before being
          garbage collected.  Flushing all dirty files can be done by
          calling flush(), usually just before exiting the program.
          Otherwise each output file must be flushed or closed indi-
          vidually (see below).

          The calls implemented by Iobuf are:

          seek, read, and write
                   Each has the same parameters as its complement in
                   Sys (see sys-seek(2), sys-read(2)). Note that

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                   SEEKSTART etc. are defined by Bufio as well as by
                   Sys, for use by seek.

          getb     Read a single byte from the buffered stream and
                   return its value as an int.

          getc     Read a single Unicode character, encoded in UTF
                   (see utf(6)), and return its value as an int.

          gets     Read a line, up to and including a character speci-
                   fied by sepchar, typically a newline.  If none is
                   found, read to the end of the file.  The returned
                   string includes the terminating character.

          gett     Read characters until one of the characters in
                   sepstring. The returned string includes the separa-
                   tor.  If none of the separator characters is found,
                   read to the end of the file.

          ungetb, ungetc
                   Undoes the effect of the last getb or getc, so that
                   a subsequent read will reread the byte (ungetb), or
                   reread the byte(s) of a UTF-encoded character

          putb, putc, and puts
                   Each writes its argument, a byte, a character, or a
                   string, respectively.  Text is encoded in UTF.

          setfill  Associates a BufioFill module instance f with Iobuf
                   b; discussed below.

          flush    Flush remaining data in the buffer, if necessary.
                   Meaningful only for files opened for writing; has
                   no effect on files opened for reading.

          close    Flush remaining data in the buffer, if necessary,
                   close the associated file, and discard buffers
                   associated with the file.  After close, no further
                   method calls are allowed on the iobuf adt.

          The BufioFill module interface can be ignored by most appli-
          cations.  It allows an Iobuf to be used to read data from an
          arbitrary source.  There is no `standard' implementation to
          load.  Instead, an application using this interface uses a
          separate BufioFill module instance such as bufio-
          chanfill(2), or provides one itself using sys-self(2). The
          resulting module reference is associated, using setfill,
          with an Iobuf previously obtained by sopen (the string
          parameter limits the buffer space allocated).  It is up to
          the BufioFill module's implementation how its fill function
          replenishes the buffer; it should return the number of bytes

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          now in the buffer, or Bufio->EOF.


          bufio-chanfill(2), intro(2), sys-open(2), sys-read(2), sys-

          Calls that return a ref type (eg.  open, fopen, gets, and
          gett) return nil when encountering end of file or errors.
          When an error occurs, the error string, printable with the
          %r format, will usually be set as a consequence of an error
          in the underlying Sys module.  The other calls return EOF
          upon encountering end of file, and ERROR when encountering
          other errors.

          Bufio maintains a shared internal list that is updated by
          each open, fopen, create and close; they may not be used by
          two threads concurrently, nor may a given Iobuf instance be
          accessed concurrently.

          An Iobuf instance must be manipulated by the same module
          instance that created it.

          The BufioFill interface is subject to change.

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