SERVICES(6)                                           SERVICES(6)

          services - Inferno-specific service name data base


          The services file contains a map between symbolic service
          names and Internet protocol port numbers.  It is interpreted
          by the module ipsrv (see srv(2)), on request by cs(8) and
          srv(8) during address translation.

          The file /services/cs/services in the Inferno root is a sim-
          ple text file with the same format as the Unix /etc/services
          file.  There is an entry for each Inferno service name.
          Each entry is a single line containing at least two fields
          separated by blanks or tabs:

               name port/protocol [ alias  ... ]

          The character `#' introduces a comment to end of line.
          Blank lines are ignored.  Name is a symbolic name for the
          service, starting with a letter and containing a-z, 0-9 and
          - (dash or hyphen).  Each optional alias has a similar form
          and defines a synonym for the same service.  Port is the
          port number on which to find or announce the service.
          Protocol is one of the protocols supported by ip(3), typi-
          cally tcp, udp or il.

          styx        6666/tcp                # Main file service
          mpeg        6667/tcp                # Mpeg stream
          rstyx       6668/tcp                # Remote invocation
          infdb       6669/tcp                # Database connection
          infweb      6670/tcp                # inferno web server
          infsigner   6671/tcp                # inferno signing services
          infcsigner  6672/tcp                # inferno signing services
          inflogin    6673/tcp                # inferno login service
          virgil      2202/udp  virgild       # inferno info

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