SRV(2) SRV(2) NAME srv, ipsrv - network name and address translation SYNOPSIS include "srv.m" srv:= load Srv Srv->PATH; Srv: module { PATH: con "$Srv"; iph2a: fn(host: string): list of string; ipa2h: fn(addr: string): list of string; ipn2p: fn(protocol, service: string): string; }; ipsrv := load Ipsrv Ipsrv->PATH; Ipsrv: module { init: fn(nil: list of string); iph2a: fn(host: string): list of string; ipa2h: fn(addr: string): list of string; ipn2p: fn(protocol, service: string): string; }; DESCRIPTION These modules provide name and address translation in hosted and native modes. Srv is a module built in to emu(1) that accesses the Inter- net name resolution services of a host operating system. Given a host name, Iph2a returns a list of its Internet addresses (if any). Given an Internet address, ipa2h returns a list of host names (if any) that have that address. The results are only as accurate as the host system's name service. Ipn2p returns the port number (as a string) for the given service when accessed using a particular protocol protocol (typically tcp or udp). Ipsrv provides a superset of the srv(2) interface for name and address translation. It can be used in both hosted and native modes. It has an additional init function that must be called before any of the other functions is used; its argument should be nil. It uses the Internet Domain Name Service (DNS) for both host name lookup and reverse (address) lookup. The addresses of the DNS servers, which must be numeric IP addresses, and an (optional) local domain name are read from /services/dns/db. It uses services(6) to map protocol and service names to Internet port numbers. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 2/23/25) SRV(2) SRV(2) SOURCE /appl/lib/ipsrv.b SEE ALSO sys-file2chan(2), cs(8) BUGS Srv should have an init function. On the other hand, Ipsrv should not take arguments to its init function. Ipsrv uses TCP/IP not UDP/IP to access the DNS. Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 2/23/25)