TKTESTER(1)                                           TKTESTER(1)

          tktester - test Tk widgets and help design Tk layouts

          wm/tktester [ -import ]

          Tktester not only tests the tk(2) widget implementation but
          can help when designing Tk application layouts.  Its main
          window contains the design area where widgets are placed and
          edited. Most of the commands for creating and moving widgets
          are located on the control bar just below the design area
          although a few commands may be found in the menus at the top
          of the window. Output is sent to the text box below the con-
          trol bar.

          Widget properties may be modified using the config window
          and widget commands called from the command window.

     Main Window
          This is split into four areas:

        Menu Bar
          This contains various file operations as well as a few com-

          File      New: Starts a new file
                    Open:          Opens a saved file
                    Snarf:         Sends the current file to snarf
                    Save:          Saves the current file
                    Save as:  Asks for a new filename and then saves
                    the file
                    Exit:          Close tktester

               Files are saved in the form of a list of tk commands. This
               means that they can easily be imported into programs as part
               of an array. Files to be loaded must have .f as the top
               frame with no widgets outside it.

                    The current row/column is the one in which the
                    currently selected widget/empty cell is located
                    Insert - inserts a new row/column either before or
                    after the currently selected row/column Delete -
                    deletes currently selected row/column Format -
                    sets the properties for the current row/column

          Hidden    Forget - removes the current widget from the dis-
                    play area but does not delete it. The widget name

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                    is then added to the 'Hidden' menu and can still
                    be selected by clicking on its name there. This
                    can be useful for operations which require widgets
                    that are not currently packed e.g. placing a frame
                    as a window within a canvas. Forgotten items will
                    still be saved.

          Disabled  This menu only appears when a widget has been dis-
                    abled. In this state, button bindings are ignored
                    so it becomes impossible to select the widget.
                    When a widget is disabled, its name is automati-
                    cally added to the 'Disabled' menu and can be
                    selected from there.

        Design Area
          This is the main area of the main window where the widgets
          are displayed. To select a widget, click on it with mouse
          button 3, the control bar shows the name and other informa-
          tion about the currently selected widget. Frames themselves
          can only be selected by clicking on their label, clicking
          elsewhere on the frame (if there is no widget there) will
          select the empty cell, any new widget created will be placed
          here. Once a widget has been selected, you can move it by
          clicking on the empty destination cell with mouse button 2.
          Individual widgets can be moved from one frame to another
          but frames themselves can currently only be moved within the
          same parent frame. Clicking mouse button 2 on a widget will
          delete that widget if the Free Delete button on the control
          bar is on.

        Control Bar
          This is split into three different menus. To select the dif-
          ferent submenus, click on the >> at the end of the menu

          Data Menu

          Widget    shows information about the current widget
                    clicking on the Destroy button will delete the
                    currently selected widget.  The Free Delete button
                    to the right of the Destroy button can be toggled
                    on and off by clicking on it. When turned on (red
                    background) , clicking mouse button 2 on a widget
                    in the design area will delete it.

          Grid      shows information about the current grid
                    Clicking the Hide Labels button will hide the
                    frame labels so that you can see what the screen
                    will look like normally.

          Position and Formatting Menu

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          Move      Move the widget within its current frame

          Spanning  Change row and column spanning properties

          Padding   Set cell padding, checkbox selects internal or
                    external padding

          Position  Adjust widget position, widget can be stretched if
                    opposite positions are selected e.g. to flill hor-
                    izontaly, select < and >

          New Menu

          Clicking on 'New' will bring up the pack menu, here you can
          set packing to down or right. This is used when a new widget
          is created. If the user has not selected an empty cell, the
          new widget will be placed either below or to the right of
          the currently selected widget. Clicking on '>>' will scroll
          the buttons within the menu to the left to allow access to
          those that might be off screen.

        Output Box
          Output and errors are reported here. This box may be hidden
          by clicking on the grey button located at the bottom of the
          main window.

        Config Window
          This window is opened by clicking on the red button located
          at the bottom of the main window. To configure a widget's
          options, the widget must be selected. To modify an option,
          type the new value required into the relevant entry box and
          click the 'set' button. Any output (including error mes-
          sages) returned will be sent to the output box.

          There are two template buttons at the bottom of the config
          window, set as default and save as default. Set will cause
          each new widget of the same type to be created with the same
          options as the currently selected widget. This default will
          not be remembered once tktester has been closed. Save does
          the same as set except the default is saved so it will be
          not be lost if tktester is closed.

          Default Template Options

          %n   the name of the widget e.g. .f.f1.b2

          %t   the widget type e.g. button

          %i   the number of the widget

          By default, each widget with a -text option is set to {%t

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          %i} e.g. button 2. Note: These options only work with
          default templates, setting the -text option of a specific
          button to {%t %i} will just cause '%t %i' to be displayed.

        Command Window
          This window is opened by clicking on the green button
          located at the bottom of the main window. To call the com-
          mands for a particular widget, the widget must be selected.

          The command window is split into two listboxes and one entry
          box. The first listbox contains all the main commands avail-
          able for the current widget type. Selecting a command will
          bring up a list of subcommands (if they exist) in the second
          listbox as well as displaying any arguments required above
          the entrybox. To run a command, first select the command
          (and any subcommand), then enter the required arguments into
          the entry box and click run. The command, as well as any
          output, is sent to the output box on the main window. If no
          output is returned, the output box will display 'ok'.

          -import   Tells tktester to import valid widget commands
                    from the man pages. This data is saved in the
                    tkwargs/ directory, which must already exist.

          The file tkwargs/widgets must contain a list of widgets, one
          per line as follows:

               [name] [abv]

          with the fields separated by tabs or spaces.  For example:

               menubutton mb
               listbox lb


          The command window sometimes lists a command more than once.
          It does not matter which one is used.

          In a saved file, any grid commands must put -row and -column
          options before -rowspan or -columnspan.

          Tktester can crash when loading a file if it is not in the
          correct format.

        Allow renaming of widgets
          At the moment, tktester can only load, save and use tk

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          commands where the widget names adhere to the format .abv[n]
          where abv is the abreviation for the widget type e.g. b for
          buttons, sb for scrollbars etc and n is an optional number.
          It would be better to allow users to have more meaningful
          names such as .f.fmenu. Implementing this would also make it
          possible to load in commands written outside of tktester for
          testing or modification purposes.

        Column and Row indicators
          This would more clearly show which rows and columns widgets
          were in (especially when widgets are spanning more than
          one). Also could be used to select individual rows and
          columns more explicity and maybe for multiple selections.

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