CMP(1) CMP(1) NAME cmp - compare two files SYNOPSIS cmp [ -lsL ] file1 file2 [ offset1 [ offset2 ] ] DESCRIPTION The two files are compared. A diagnostic results if the contents differ, otherwise there is no output. By default, cmp prints the byte number of the first differing byte. The options are: -l Print the byte number (decimal) and the differing bytes (hexadecimal) for each difference. -s Print nothing for differing files, but set the exit status. -L Print the line number of the first differing byte. If offsets are given, comparison starts at the designated byte position of the corresponding file. Offsets that begin with 0x are hexadecimal; with 0, octal; with anything else, decimal. SOURCE /appl/cmd/cmp.b SEE ALSO diff(1) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)