GRID-NS(1) GRID-NS(1) NAME grid: ns - exports a selected namespace and serves it on standard input SYNOPSIS grid/srv/ns [ -r relpath ] path1 path2...path n grid/runns [ -r relpath ] path1 path2...path n DESCRIPTION Ns exports a selected subsection of the local namespace and serves it on stdin. The path arguments specify which direc- tories are to be exported. If subdirectories are exported without their parents, ns attempts to maintain the namespace structure by creating the parents but populating them only with the selected subdirectories. For example, exporting /appl/lib would mean that the exported /appl directory con- tained nothing apart from the lib subdirectory. If relpath is specified, all paths will be viewed relative to this path. For instance, if relpath is /usr/inferno, then /usr/inferno/bin/dis would be listed as /bin/dis and /tmp would not be listed at all. Grid-register(1) may be used in conjunction with ns to reg- ister it with a registry(4) and to export and serve its namespace across dial(2) network connections. Incoming con- nections may also be displayed visually using monitor(1). For example: grid/register [ options ... ] { grid/srv/ns paths... } | grid/srv/monitor 1 'NS resource' This set of commands is encapsulated within the shell script runns which will automatically register ns with a registry(4) if possible and start up the graphical display to show connections to the resource. There is no need for the user to execute ns outside of runns unless the namespace it provides is required to be accessible in a different way to that provided by grid-register(1). SOURCE /appl/grid/srv/ns.b SEE ALSO grid-cpu(4), grid-monitor(1), grid-register(1), grid- session(1) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/15/25)