LOGON(1) LOGON(1) NAME logon - log on to Inferno SYNOPSIS [ wm/wm ] wm/logon [ -l ] [ -n nsfile ] [ -u user ] DESCRIPTION Logon logs a user in to the Inferno environment. It requires wm (1) to be started first. If no user name is specified by the -u option, logon displays a login panel to prompt for one. The user name must have a directory /usr/user, which will become the current directory. (Other- wise, logon will display a diagnostic panel and prompt again.) The user name is written to /dev/user (see cons(3)), which is the name presented on subsequent attaches to file servers. Normally, logon expects keyboard input to provide a name, but if the -l option is given, logon displays a list of the names in /usr, allowing one to be selected using a mouse or touch screen. Once the current directory has been set, logon creates a new name space for the user using the contents of nsfile (default: namespace), as described in namespace(6). It then starts toolbar(1) to provide the initial application envi- ronment. FILES /dev/user Inferno user name /usr/user user's home directory SOURCE /appl/wm/logon.b SEE ALSO toolbar(1), wm(1), namespace(6) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/11/25)