TCS(1) TCS(1) NAME tcs - translate character sets SYNOPSIS tcs -l [-v] [ csname ] tcs [ -f ics ] [ -t ocs ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION Tcs converts its input from the ics character set encoding into Unicode runes and then outputs the data in the encoding of the ocs character set. The default values of ics and ocs are both utf8. This is the standard Inferno Unicode text encoding as described by utf(6). If no files are specified tcs reads from its standard input. The -l option causes tcs to output the list of character sets that it understands. The -v option causes a more detailed listing to be given. Giving a csname argument to the -l option causes tcs to list the known aliases for that name. The first name in the list is the standard (or pre- ferred) name. FILES /lib/convcs/charsets Specifies the supported character set names, their aliases and the implemen- tation of their converters. SOURCE /appl/cmd/tcs.b SEE ALSO convcs(2) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)