ODBC(10.4)                                             ODBC(10.4)

          ODBC - A Windows ODBC file server

          odbc.exe [ -d ] [ -p port ]

          Odbc is a file server that runs under Windows and exports a
          Styx namespace (see intro(5)). An Inferno process that
          mounts the namespace can use it to manipulate Windows ODBC

          The -d option causes odbc to print debugging information.

          The -p option gives the port number to listen on for connec-
          tions. The default is 6700.

        Name space
          Odbc presents the following name space:


          The top level read-only file nclients contains the current
          number of active clients on the server.

          The top level db directory contains a new file and subdirec-
          tories numbered n from zero to the maximum number of config-
          ured conversations.

          Opening the new file reserves a conversation, represented by
          one of the numbered directories. The resulting file descrip-
          tor will be open on the control file, ctl, of the newly
          allocated conversation.  Reading the ctl file returns a text
          string representing the number of the conversation.  A con-
          versation is used to converse with the server - in ODBC
          terms it is equivalent to obtaining a connection handle.
          This is the level at which ODBC transactions are managed.

          A conversation is controlled by writing text strings to the
          associated ctl file. ODBC commands may be sent to the server

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     ODBC(10.4)                                             ODBC(10.4)

          by writing them, as text strings, to the cmd file.  For com-
          mands that return a record set, the results may be read from
          the data file; each read returning a single record.  If a
          command results in an error, the write to the cmd file will
          fail. The full ODBC error message can be obtained by reading
          the error file.  A conversation remains open while at least
          one of the ctl, cmd or data files remains open.

          The following commands can be written to the ctl file:

          connect  datasource  [user!auth]
               Connect to the ODBC datasource using the username and
               authentication, if given.

               Disconnect from the datasource.

               Reads from the data file will return data in a fixed
               format. The format can be read from the format file
               after writing the command to the cmd file and before
               reading the data from the data file.

          float  [fs< [rs<]]
               Reads from the data file will return data using the
               character fs to separate fields and the character rs to
               separate records.  The default values for fs and rs are
               the pipe symbol '|' and the newline character.

          trans  begin
               Enter ODBC manual-commit mode for transactions. A
               transaction will not complete until one of trans commit
               or trans rollback is written to the ctl file.

          trans  auto
               Enter ODBC auto-commit mode for transactions (the
               default).  Each database statement is wrapped by a
               transaction that is automatically commited when the
               statement is executed.

          trans  commit
               Commit a transaction when in manual-commit mode.

          trans  rollback
               Rollback a transation when in manual-commit mode.

          Once a conversation has been established and transaction
          mode and output formats determined the cmd file is used to
          send ODBC commands to the server.  The following commands
          can be written to the cmd file:


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     ODBC(10.4)                                             ODBC(10.4)

               The result of calling the ODBC API function SQLTables
               is returned in the data file.

          columns  tablename
               The result of calling the ODBC API function SQLColumns
               with the given tablename as a parameter is returned in
               the data file.

          any  ODBC  command
               Any ODBC command written to the cmd file is passed to
               the ODBC API function SQLExecDirect. This most commonly
               includes select, update, insert, and delete commands.

          The format file is used to determine column names and how to
          extract individual columns from the record read from the
          data file when using fixed format output. A read of it gives
          a single record read returning one line for each column in
          the result data. Each line has three components separated by
          a single space: a number giving the character position of
          the start of the field in the result data, a number giving
          the character position one beyond the end of the field in
          the result data, and the field name.

          The result of database enquiries can be read from the data
          file.  After writing a command that returns data to the cmd
          file, reads from the data file will return the results one
          record at a time.  When the last record has been read the
          following read will return zero bytes indicating the end of
          the data.

          The read-only file sources gives a newline separated list of
          sources. Each line consists of the source name and the
          source type separated by a colon.

          The read-only file status return the status of the current

          For example, the Inferno shell can be used to retrieve val-
          ues from a database. The shell commands:

          mount -A tcp!localhost!6700 /n/remote
               echo -n 'float' > $d/ctl
               echo -n 'connect cellar' > $d/ctl
               echo -n 'select name from wine' > $d/cmd
               cat $d/data
          } < /n/remote/db/new

          produces the output:

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     ODBC(10.4)                                             ODBC(10.4)

          Jo. Riesling
          Fume Blanc
          Wh. Burgundy
          Cab. Sauvignon
          Pinot Noir

          Here the server has been started on the local machine, lis-
          tening on port 6700 for network connections.  The braced
          block and the redirection from /n/remote/db/new reserve a
          conversation with the server and ensures that it remains
          open for the duration of the execution of the set of com-
          mands within the block.  The -A option to mount is used
          because this server can not authenticate a connection.


          bind(1), sys-bind(2), intro(5), db(7), dbsrv(7), svc(8)

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