DBM(2)                                                     DBM(2)

          Dbm: Dbf, init - data base with hashed indexing

          include "dbm.m";

          dbm := load Dbm Dbm->PATH;
          Datum, Dbf: import dbm;

          Datum:  type array of byte;

          Dbf: adt {
              create: fn(file: string, perm: int): ref Dbf;
              open:   fn(file: string, flags: int): ref Dbf;

              fetch:  fn(db: self ref Dbf, key: Datum): Datum;
              delete: fn(db: self ref Dbf, key: Datum): int;
              store:  fn(db: self ref Dbf, key: Datum, data: Datum,
                            replace: int): int;

              firstkey: fn(db: self ref Dbf): Datum;
              nextkey:  fn(db: self ref Dbf, key: Datum): Datum;

              flush:    fn(db: self ref Dbf);
              isrdonly: fn(db: self ref Dbf): int;

          init:   fn();

          Dbm maintains key/content pairs in a data base.  The func-
          tions will handle very large (a billion blocks) databases
          and will access a keyed item in one or two filesystem

          Keys and contents are both represented by arrays of bytes
          (with the synonym Datum), allowing arbitrary binary values.

          The data base is stored in two files.  One file is a direc-
          tory containing a bit map and has `.dir' as its suffix.  The
          second file contains all data and has `.pag' as its suffix.
          An application can access several databases at once, but
          must avoid concurrent operations on any one database (eg, by
          using a monitor process to control access).

          Init must be called before any other operation of the mod-

          A database is created by Dbf.create, which accepts a file
          permission parameter perm, as described for Sys->create (see

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     DBM(2)                                                     DBM(2)

          sys-open(2)); it creates the two files file.dir and
          file.pag.  If successful, it returns a Dbf reference
          describing the database, which is open for reading and writ-
          ing.  (It will truncate an existing database.)  It returns
          nil if it cannot create the database for some reason, and
          sets the error string.

          Dbf.open accepts a mode parameter as described in sys-
          open(2), and opens the existing database in file.dir and
          file.pag.  If successful, it returns a Dbf reference
          describing the database, which is open either for reading
          and writing (ie, Sys->ORDWR), or only for reading
          (Sys->OREAD) as determined by mode. It returns nil if the
          database cannot be opened successfully, and sets the error

          The remaining operations apply to an existing Dbf reference

               Return the data stored under a key; nil is returned if
               the key is not in the database.

          db.store(key, data, replace)
               Store data under the given key. If replace is non-zero,
               store will simply replace the existing value by the new
               one if the key is already in the database; if replace
               is zero store will return 0 if the new item was
               inserted, but 1 if the key already appears in the data-
               base, and the new value will not be stored.

               Key and its associated value is removed from the data-

               Return the first key in the database; return nil if the
               database is empty.

               Return the key following the given key, or nil if there
               is none.

               Discard any data cached from the file.  The cache is
               write-through, so it is not necessary to flush the file
               before the application exits.

               Return true if db was opened only for reading and
               writes are not allowed.

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     DBM(2)                                                     DBM(2)

          A linear pass through all keys in a database may be made, in
          an (apparently) random order, by use of Dbf.firstkey and
          Dbf.nextkey.  This code will traverse the data base:

               for(key := db.firstkey(); key != nil; key = db.nextkey(key)){
                    d := db.fetch(key);

          The order of keys presented by Dbf.firstkey and Dbf.nextkey
          depends on a hashing function, not on anything interesting.


          All functions that return an int indicate errors with nega-
          tive values.  A zero return indicates success.  Routines
          that return pointers, including values of Datum, return nil
          values on error.  Dbf.create and Dbf.open return nil on
          failure to access the database, setting the error string to
          a more detailed diagnostic.

          On some systems (notably Plan 9 but also some Unix systems),
          the .pag file might contain holes where no data block has
          ever been written so that its apparent size is about four
          times its actual content.  These files cannot be copied by
          normal means (cp, cat) without filling in the holes.

          Except for firstkey and nextkey, Datum values returned by
          these functions point to storage that is changed by subse-
          quent calls.

          The sum of the sizes of a key/content pair must not exceed
          the internal block size (currently 512 bytes).  Moreover all
          key/content pairs that hash together must fit on a single
          block.  Dbf.store will return an error in the event that a
          block fills with inseparable data.

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