DIALOG(2)                                               DIALOG(2)

          dialog: prompt, getstring - basic dialog boxes

          include "dialog.m";
          dialog := load Dialog Dialog->PATH;

          init:        fn();
          prompt:      fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, p: ref Draw->Image,
                         icon, title, msg: string,
                         dflt: int, labs: list of string): int;
          getstring:   fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, p: ref Draw->Image,
                         s: string): string;

          Dialog module provides two simple dialog boxes for use by
          wm(1) applications.  Init should be called once to ini-
          tialise its internal state.

          Prompt uses the graphics context ctxt to pop up a dialog box
          to prompt the user to choose from a set of alternatives, or
          to acknowledge a message.  The box is created near the
          northwest corner of the parent window p, represented by the
          window's image.  (If the parent window is a Tk Toplevel t,
          for instance, the appropriate value is t.image.)  If p is
          nil, the box is centred on the screen.  The box has the
          given title and an optional icon. It displays the given msg
          and a number of buttons, labelled with the strings in labs.
          The dialog box waits for the user to push a button, and then
          returns the index of the button pushed (the first element of
          labs is index 0).  If the user types a newline, the dflt
          value is returned.  The button with the dflt index is spe-
          cially outlined in the dialog box.

          Getstring pops up a dialog box near the parent window p. The
          box contains the msg and an entry widget.  It waits for the
          user to type a string and a newline, and then returns the
          typed string, without the newline.


          draw-context(2), tk(2), wmlib(2)

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