PRINT(2) PRINT(2) NAME Print - printing system SYNOPSIS include "print.m"; print := load Print Print->PATH; Print: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/print/print.dis"; CONFIG_PATH: con "/lib/print/"; init: fn(): int; set_printfd: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD); print_image: fn(p: ref Printer, display: ref Draw->Display, im: ref Draw->Image, pcwidth: int): int; print_textfd: fn(p: ref Printer, fd: ref Sys->FD, ps: real, pr: int, wrap: int): int; get_defprinter: fn(): ref Printer; set_defprinter: fn(p: ref Printer); get_size: fn(p: ref Printer): (int, real, real); # dpi, xinches, yinches get_printers: fn(): list of ref Printer; get_papers: fn(): list of ref Paper; save_settings: fn(): int; # Printer types Ptype: adt { name: string; modes: list of ref Pmode; driver: string; hpmapfile: string; }; # Paper sizes Paper: adt { name: string; hpcode: string; width_inches: real; height_inches: real; }; # Print modes Pmode: adt { name: string; desc: string; resx: int; resy: int; Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25) PRINT(2) PRINT(2) blackdepth: int; coldepth: int; blackresmult: int; }; # Print options Popt: adt { name: string; mode: ref Pmode; paper: ref Paper; orientation: int; duplex: int; }; # Printer instance PORTRAIT: con 0; LANDSCAPE: con 1; DUPLEX_OFF: con 0; DUPLEX_LONG: con 1; DUPLEX_SHORT: con 2; Printer: adt { name: string; ptype: ref Ptype; device: string; popt: ref Popt; pdriver: Pdriver; }; }; Pdriver: module { PATHPREFIX: con "/dis/lib/print/"; DATAPREFIX: con "/lib/print/"; init: fn(debug: int); sendimage: fn(p: ref Print->Printer, tfd: ref Sys->FD, display: ref Draw->Display, im: ref Draw->Image, width: int, lmargin: int): int; sendtextfd: fn(p: ref Print->Printer, pfd, tfd: ref Sys->FD, ps: real, pr: int, wrap: int): int; printable_pixels: fn(p: ref Print->Printer): (int, int); }; DESCRIPTION The Print module provides an interface to one or more print- ers. Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25) PRINT(2) PRINT(2) The Print module init() Init must be called once to initialise the internal state of Print. set_printfd(fd) set_printfd provides a file descriptor to be used for output. By default, output is sent to the file or device specified in the Printer adt. print_image(p,display,im,pcwidth) print_image prints a page containing a single image. The image is centred horizontally, and is scaled up to fill the percentage of the available width specified by pcwidth. print_textfd(p,fd,ps,pr,wrap print_textfd prints one or more pages of text on printer p from the file open for reading on fd. The point size is controlled by p. If the printer does not support the specified point size an alternative size will be used. A point size of 0.0 can be used to select the printer's default size (usually 12 point). If pr is non-zero, a proportionally-spaced font If wrap is non-zero, lines will be wrapped if they overflow the page width (if this feature is supported by the printer). get_defprinter() get_defprinter returns the default printer (in /lib/print/defprinter). set_defprinter(p) set_defprinter sets the default printer (in /lib/print/defprinter). get_size(p) get_size returns the resolution in dots per inch and the total number of pixels available for printing in the x and y direction. Before calling this function the orientation should be set if required. get_printers() get_printers returns a list of all available printers (in /lib/print/printer.cfg). get_papers() get_papers returns a list of all available paper sizes (in /lib/print/paper.cfg). Data Structures Ptype Page 3 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25) PRINT(2) PRINT(2) - specifies a Printer Type, with fields: name: Name used to refer to this printer type desc Description modes List of supported print modes driver: The .dis file specification of the printer driver hpmapfile: For HP printers, the name of the color map file Paper - specifies the dimensions of a type of paper name: Name used to refer to this paper size hpcode: For HP printers, PCL code used for this paper size width_inches: Width of paper in inches height_inches: Height of paper in inches Pmode - specifies a print mode name: Name used to refer to this print mode desc: Description resx: X resolution in dots per inch resx: Y resolution in dots per inch blackdepth: Depth of black component in bytes coldepth: Depth of color components in bytes Page 4 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25) PRINT(2) PRINT(2) blackresmult: Resolution multiplier of black component (1 means same as base x resolution) Popt - specifies a set of Print Options name: Name of a Printer to which these print options apply mode: The name of a print mode paper: The name of a paper size orientation: Paper orientation - either PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE duplex (NB DUPLEX IS NOT CURRENTLY Duplex setting - DUPLEX_OFF or DUPLEX_SHORT or DUPLEX_LONG Printer - specifies a printer instance name: Name used to refer to this printer ptype: The printer type device: The name of the file to be used for output (eg /dev/lpt1data) popt: The print options driver: The printer driver module handle Configuration Files There are configuration files to initialize the Printer Types, Print Modes, Paper Sizes Printers and Print Modes. They all have a similar format, with fields corresponding to the relevant adt. Here is an extract from the paper.cfg file: A4= hpcode=26 width_inches=8.3 Page 5 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25) PRINT(2) PRINT(2) height_inches=11.7 A5= hpcode=25 width_inches=4.15 height_inches=5.85 Aliases can also be defined, such as myA4=A4 The final configuration file, defprinter, just contains the name of the default printer. FILES /lib/print/*.map HP color maps. /lib/print/ptype.cfg Print Type configuration file. /lib/print/pmode.cfg Print Mode configuration file. /lib/print/paper.cfg Paper Size configuration file. /lib/print/printer.cfg Printer Instance configuration file. /lib/print/popts.cfg Print options configuration file. /lib/print/defprinter Holds the name of the default printer. Not needed if there is only one printer available. SOURCE /appl/lib/print/print.b Implementation of the Print module. /appl/lib/print/*_driver.b Printer-specific driver modules /appl/lib/print/scaler.b Scaler module SEE ALSO draw-image(2), image(6) Page 6 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)