PSLIB(2) PSLIB(2) NAME pslib - postscript generation SYNOPSIS include "pslib.m"; pslib := load Pslib Pslib->PATH; init: fn(bufio: Bufio); writeimage: fn(f: ref Bufio->Iobuf, img: ref Draw->Image, dpi: int): string; DESCRIPTION Pslib must first be initialised by calling Init with a loaded Bufio module. Writeimage writes a Postscript file containing the data within img to f, which should first have been opened for writing by bufio. Dpi is a value specifying the pixel width of pixels in img; the width (and height) of dpi dots in img will be one inch when the Postscript is ren- dered. SOURCE /appl/lib/pslib.b SEE ALSO bufio(2), draw-image(2) BUGS The resulting Postscript is really only suitable for use as encapsulated Postscript, as there's no way to set the desti- nation paper size. There should be many more useful functions in this module. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)