HARD(3)                                                   HARD(3)

          hard, wren - hard disk interface



          The hard disk interfaces (wren is a SCSI disk; hard is a
          Safari's internal ST506 disk) serve a one-level directory
          giving access to the hard disk partitions.  The parameter to
          attach defines the numerical SCSI target and logical unit
          number to access.  Both default to zero.

          Each partition name is prefixed by hd and the numeric drive
          identifier.  The partition `disk' always exists and covers
          the entire disk.  The size of each partition as reported by
          stat(2) is the number of bytes in the partition, so the size
          of `disk' is the size of the entire disk.

          The partition `partition' also always exists; it is the last
          block on the disk.  If it contains valid partition data,
          those partitions will be visible as well.  Every time the
          device is bound, the partitions are updated to reflect any
          changes in the partition file.

          The format of the partition file is the string

               plan9 partitions

          on a line, followed by a partition specification on a line
          consisting of a name and textual strings for the block start
          and limit on the disk.

          The program prep(8) writes the partition table for the disk;
          its use is preferred to writing it by hand.

          prep(8), scsi(3)

     Page 1                       Plan 9             (printed 3/12/25)