MK9660(8)                                               MK9660(8)

          mk9660 - create an ISO-9660 CD image

          disk/mk9660 [ -:D ] [ -9cjr ] [ -p proto ] [ -s src ] [ -v
          volume ] image

          disk/dump9660 [ -:D ] [ -9cjr ] [ -p proto ] [ -s src ] [ -v
          volume ] [ -m maxsize ] [ -n now ] image

          Mk9660 writes to the random access file image an ISO-9660 CD
          image containing the files named in proto (default
          /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/allproto) from the file tree src
          (default /).  The proto file is formatted as described in

          The created CD image will be in ISO-9660 format, but by
          default the file names will be stored in UTF-8 with no
          imposed length or character restrictions.  The -c flag
          causes 9660srv to use only file names in ``8.3'' form that
          use digits, letters, and underscore.  File names that do not
          conform are changed to Dnnnnnn (for directories) or Fnnnnnn
          (for files); a key file _CONFORM.MAP is created in the root
          directory to ease the reverse process.

          If the -9 flag is given, the system use fields at the end of
          each directory entry will be populated with Plan directory
          information (owner, group, mode, full name); this is inter-
          preted by 9660srv.

          If the -j flag is given, the usual directory tree is writ-
          ten, but an additional tree in Microsoft Joliet format is
          alos added.  This second tree can contain long Unicode file
          names, and can be read by 9660srv as well as most versions
          of Windows and many Unix clones.  The characters *, :, ;, ?,
          and \ are allowed in Plan 9 file names but not in Joliet
          file names; non-conforming file names are translated and a
          _CONFORM.MAP file written as in the case of the -c option.

          If the -r flag is given, Rock Ridge extensions are written
          in the format of the system use sharing protocol; this for-
          mat provides Posix-style file metadata and is common on Unix

          The options -c, -9, -j, and -r may be mixed freely with the
          exception that -9 and -r are mutually exclusive.

          The -v flag sets the volume title; if unspecified, the base
          name of proto is used.

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     MK9660(8)                                               MK9660(8)

          The -: flag causes mk9660 to replace colons in scanned file-
          names with spaces; this is the inverse of the map applied by
          dossrv(4) and is useful for writing Joliet CDs containing
          data from FAT file systems.

          The -D flag creates immense amounts of debugging output on
          standard error.

          Dump9660 is similar in specification to mk9660 but creates
          and updates backup CD images in the style of the dump file
          system (see fs(4)). The dump is file-based rather than
          block-based: if a file's contents have not changed since the
          last backup, only its directory entry will be rewritten.

          The -n option specifies a time (in seconds since January 1,
          1970) to be used for naming the dump directory.

          The -m option specifies a maximum size for the image; if a
          backup would cause the image to grow larger than maxsize, it
          will not be written, and dump9660 will exit with a non-empty

          Create an image of the Plan 9 source tree, including a con-
          formant ISO-9660 directory tree, Plan 9 extensions in the
          system use fields, and a Joliet directory tree.

               disk/mk9660 -9cj -s /n/bootes -p plan9proto cdimage


          9660srv (in dossrv(4)), cdfs(4), mkfs(8)

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