WM(1)                                                       WM(1)

          wm - window manager

          wm/wm [ command [ arg... ] ]

          Wm is an inferno window manager, providing the control mech-
          anism for the user to manage to order and position of a
          dynamic collection of application windows.  When started, it
          runs command, (by default wm/toolbar, see toolbar(1)) By
          itself, wm does not provide any means for starting new
          applications; that facility must be provided by an auxil-
          liary program, wm/toolbar being one such example.

        Control Interface
          Wm provides a control interface to programs running inside
          it through the Wmcontext adt that can be obtained from the
          Draw->Context that it passes to applications that it starts
          (see draw-context(2)). Control messages it understands

          start what
               Start input on what. What can be ptr (pointer events),
               kbd (keyboard events) and control (window manager con-
               trol events, see below).

          key charval
               Simulate a key event.  Charval is the decimal value of
               the character that has been pressed. The character will
               be sent exactly as if it had been typed on the key-
               board. This facility is used by keyboard(1).

          !reshape tag reqid minx miny maxx
               Reshape or create the window named tag. Reqid is
               ignored; minx..maxy give the desired bounding rectangle
               of the new window.  If how is not given, or is exact,
               then wm will attempt to satisfy the request exactly.
               Otherwise, how tells wm how to determine the rectangle
               of the resulting image; it can be one of place (choose
               some appropriate position and size on screen), onscreen
               (modify the requested rectangle only so as to bring it
               on screen), or max (request the maximum available rect-

          delete tag
               Delete the window named by tag.

               Raise all windows for the current context above the

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               Send all windows for the current context to the bottom.

          !move tag reqid startx starty
               Drag window tag interactively.  Reqid is ignored.
               Startx and starty give the location of the pointer when
               the drag was initiated.

          !size tag reqid
               Interactively resize window tag.

               By default, if a window changes position but not size,
               wm changes the origin of the window without creating a
               new image.  Sending fixedorigin caused wm always to
               create a new image in that case.

          kbdfocus [in]
               If the decimal integer in is non-zero, request the key-
               board focus, otherwise lose the keyboard focus.

          Wm generates control messages to inform applications of
          things that have happened. These include:

          rect minx miny maxx maxy
               The screen rectangle has changed.  minx..maxy gives the
               new bounding box of the screen.

          haskbdfocus in
               Informs an application of its current keyboard focus
               state.  This message is generated in response to
               pointer events, and due to kbdfocus requests.

          exit The window manager is closing down.

        Controlling Application
          The first application that starts under wm is given the
          privilege of being able to control other applications run-
          ning under the same wm. If it sends a start control message,
          then it will also see any control requests sent by applica-
          tions that wm itself does not understand and information
          about applications starting and leaving.  Wm accepts several
          other control messages from its controlling application:

          ctl id msg
               Send message msg to application id.

               Relinquish controller status.  The next application
               that starts will get control status.  This is used, for

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               instance, to segue smoothly between logon(1) and

          If the controlling application has started control messages,
          wm sends it the following messages:

          newclient id
               A new client has connected, identified by id.

          delclient id
               Client id has left.

          request id msg
               Client id sent the request msg to the window manager,
               which it did not understand.  This facility is used,
               for instance, by toolbar(1) to implement the task and
               untask requests.

               File holding current screen rectangle.


          toolbar(1), logon(1), tkclient(2), wmclient(2)

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