SEXPRS(6)                                               SEXPRS(6)

          sexprs - symbolic expressions

          S-expressions (`symbolic expressions') provide a way for
          programs to store and exchange tree-structured text and
          binary data.  The Limbo module sexprs(2) provides the vari-
          ant defined by Rivest in Internet Draft `draft-rivest-sexp-
          00.txt' (4 May 1997), as used for instance by the Simple
          Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI).  It provides a `canonical'
          form of S-expression, and an `advanced' form for display.
          They can convey binary data directly and efficiently, unlike
          some other schemes such as XML.  The two forms are closely
          related and all can be read or written by sexprs(2), includ-
          ing a variant sometimes used for transport on links that are
          not 8-bit safe.

          An S-expression is either a sequence of bytes (a byte
          string), or a parenthesised list of smaller S-expressions.
          All forms start with the fundamental rules below, in
          extended BNF:

               sexpr             ::=  string | list
               list              ::=  '(' sexpr* ')'

          They give the recursive structure.  The various representa-
          tions ultimately differ only in how the byte string is rep-
          resented and whether white space such as blanks or newlines
          can appear.

          Furthermore, the definition of string is also common to all

               string            ::=  display? simple-string
               display           ::=  '[' simple-string ']'

          The optional bracketed display string provides information
          on how to present the associated byte string to a user.
          (``It has no other function.  Many of the MIME types work
          here.'')  Although supported by sexprs(2), it is largely
          unused by Inferno applications and is usually left out.  The
          canonical and advanced forms differ in their definitions of
          simple-string. They always denote sequences of 8-bit bytes,
          but with different syntax (encodings).  Two strings are
          equal iff their simple-strings encode the same byte strings
          (for both data and display).

          Canonical form must be used when exchanging S-expressions
          between computers, and when digitally signing an expression.
          It is defined by the complete set of rules below:

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               sexpr             ::=  string | list
               list              ::=  '(' sexpr* ')'
               string            ::=  display? simple-string
               display           ::=  '[' simple-string ']'
               simple-string     ::=  raw
               raw               ::=  nbytes ':' byte*
               nbytes            ::=  [1-9][0-9]+ |  0

          Its simple-string is a raw byte string.  The primitive byte
          represents an 8-bit byte.  The length of every byte string
          is given explicitly by a preceding decimal value nbytes
          (with no leading zeroes).  There is no white space.  It is
          `canonical' because it is uniquely defined for each S-
          expression.  It is efficient to parse even on small comput-

          Advanced form is more elaborate, and has two main differ-
          ences: not all byte strings need an explicit length, and
          binary data can be represented in printable form, either
          using hexadecimal or base 64 encodings, or using quoted
          strings (with escape sequences similar to those of Limbo or
          C).  Unquoted text is called a token, and is restricted by
          the standard to a specific alphabet: it must contain only
          letters, digits, or characters from the set `-./_:*+=', and
          must not start with a digit.  The latter restriction is
          imposed to allow byte counts to be distinguished from tokens
          without lookahead, but has the consequence that decimal num-
          bers must be quoted, as must non-ASCII characters in utf(6)
          encoding.  Upper- and lower-case letters are distinct.  The
          advanced transport syntax is defined by the complete set of
          rules below:

               sexpr             ::=  string | list
               list              ::=  '(' ( sexpr | whitespace )* ')'
               string            ::=  display? simple-string
               display           ::=  '[' simple-string ']'
               simple-string     ::=  raw | token | base-64 | hexadecimal |  quoted-string
               raw               ::=  nbytes ':' byte*
               nbytes            ::=  [1-9][0-9]+ |  0
               token             ::=  token-start token-char*
               base-64           ::=  decimal? '|' ( base-64-char | whitespace )* '|'
               hexadecimal       ::=  '#' ( hex-digit | whitespace )* '#'
               quoted-string     ::=  nbytes? quoted-string-body
               quoted-string-body     ::='"' byte* '"'
               token-start       ::=  [-./_:*+=a-zA-Z]
               token-char        ::=  token-start | [0-9]
               hex-digit         ::=  [0-9a-fA-F]
               base-64-char      ::=  [a-zA-Z0-9+/=]

          Whitespace is any sequence of blank, tab, newline or
          carriage-return characters; note that it can appear only at
          the places shown.  The bytes in a quoted-string-body are

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          interpreted according to the quoting rules for Limbo (or C).
          That is, the bytes are enclosed in quotes, and may contain
          the escape sequences for the following characters: backspace
          (\b), form-feed (\f), newline (\n), carriage-return (\r),
          tab (\t), and vertical tab (\v), octal escape \ooo (all
          three digits must be given), hexadecimal escape \xhh (both
          digits must be given), \\ for backslash, \' for single
          quote, and and \" to include a quote in a string.  Note that
          a quoted string can have an optional nbytes, but it gives
          the length of the byte string resulting after interpreting
          character escapes.

          Both canonical and advanced forms can contain binary data
          verbatim.  Sometimes that is troublesome for storage or
          transport.  At the lexical level any sexpr can therefore be
          replaced by the following:

               '{' ( base-64-char | whitespace )* '}'

          where the text between the braces is the base-64 encoding of
          the sexpr expressed in canonical or advanced form.  The S-
          expression parser will replace the sequence by its decoded,
          and resume parsing at the start of that byte string.  Note
          the difference in syntax and interpretation from rule base-
          64 above, which encodes a simple-string, not an sexpr.

          The following S-expression is in canonical form:

               (12:hello world!(5:inner0:))

          It is a list of two elements: the string hello world!, and
          another list also with two elements, the string inner and an
          empty string.  All the bytes in the example are printable
          characters, but they could have been arbitrary binary val-

          The following is an S-expression in advanced form:

                   (* "3" "5.6")
                   (best-of-3 (5:inner0:)))

          Note that advanced form contains canonical form as a subset;
          here it is used for the innermost list.

          sexprs(2), json(6), ubfa(6)

          R. Rivest, ``S-expressions'', Network Working Group Internet
          Draft (4 May 1997), reproduced in /lib/sexp.

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