UBFA(6)                                                   UBFA(6)

          ubfa - universal binary format for data transport

          UBF(A) is the data transport encoding for Armstrong's Uni-
          versal Binary Format.  It provides four primitive types:
          atoms (symbolic constants), integers, strings, and binary
          data.  There are two compound types: fixed-length tuples and
          variable-length lists.  Ubfa(2) provides basic support in
          Limbo for reading and writing streams of UBF(A)-encoded

          The input syntax is defined by the following rules:

               input     ::=  item* '$'
               item      ::=  integer | atom | string | binary | tuple | list | store | push | comment | tag

               integer   ::=  '-'?[0-9]+
               atom      ::=  "'" ([^\'] | '\\' | "\'")* "'"
               string    ::=  '"' ([^\"] | '\\' | '\"')* '"'
               binary    ::=  '~' byte* '~'      # preceded by integer byte count

               tuple     ::=  '{' item* '}'
               list      ::=  '#' (item '&')*

               store     ::=  '>' reg
               push      ::=  reg
               reg       ::=  [^-%"~'`{}#& \n\r\t,0-9]
               comment   ::=  '%' ([^\%] | '\\' | '\%')* '%'
               tag       ::=  '`' ([^\`] | '\\' | '\`')* '`'

          White space is any sequence of blank, tab, newline or
          carriage-return characters, and can appear before or after
          any instance of item in the grammar.

          The input data is interpreted by a simple virtual machine.
          The machine contains a stack of values of primitive and com-
          pound types, and a set of registers also containing values
          of those types.  White space and comments are ignored.
          Primitive integer, atom and string values are pushed onto
          the stack as they are recognised.  Certain input bytes out-
          side any value act as operators:

          {    Note the current stack depth.

          }    Pop stack values to restore the most recently noted
               stack depth.  Push a single value representing a tuple
               of those items; the left-most value in the tuple is the
               last one popped (the first in the original input

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     UBFA(6)                                                   UBFA(6)

          ~    Pop an integer value n from the stack.  Read n bytes
               from the input stream and push a value onto the stack
               that represents them.  The next byte must be the char-
               acter ~, which is discarded.

          #    Push a value representing an empty list onto the stack.

          &    Pop a value v. Pop another value l, which must repre-
               sent a list.  Push a value that represents the list
               v::l.  (Note that the items in a list therefore appear
               in reverse order in the input stream.)

          >reg Pop the top value from the stack and store it in a reg-
               ister labelled by the byte reg.

          reg  Push the value of register reg (which must be non-null)
               onto the stack.

          tag  Associate the tag string with the value on top of the
               stack.  The ubfa(2) implementation does so by replacing
               it by a special Tag tuple.

          $    End-of-input: there must be exactly one value on the
               stack, which is the result.

          Applications using UBF(A) typically take turns to exchange
          input values on a communication channel.

          ubfa(2), json(6), sexprs(6)
          J L Armstrong, ``Getting Erlang to talk to the outside
          world'', ACM SIGPLAN Erlang workshop 2002 , Pittsburg, PA
          UBF web page, http://www.sics.se/~joe/ubf/

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